28th Annual Bowl for Kids' Mentoring Theme Fiesta Bowl

1. Gather up a team of 4-6 (friends, family, co-workers, church members, neighbors, etc.) for a team, or if you want to bowl as an individual register by calling Community Youth Mentoring at 419.626.8694, or sign up at the following link to bowl, sponsor, or donate to a bowler: https://www.bowlathon.net/event/cym-fiesta-bowl-2024
2. Cost per bowler is a minimum donation of $35, or additional donations encouraged and will include a FREE T-SHIRT, two hours of bowling, door prize ticket for a chance to win a door prize, and a dessert bar/snack bar. We invite all bowlers to collect pledges and donations, our top bowlers/teams raising the most pledges will be entered in a drawing for a chance to win a VISA Gift Card. We will also be giving 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place trophies to the top three teams and individual bowlers with the highest pledge donations.
3. We now have a family bowling package for parents and children. Children must be age 12 and under and the cost for a family up to 4 members is $40, each additional child will cost $4 in addition to the $40. Children ages 13-17 will cost $10.00. The $40 donation will include two hours of bowling, shoe rental, adult door prize ticket, all children receive a door prize, and a dessert/snack bar. T-shirts will be available for purchase; adults $10 and children $8.00.
4. All bowlers must register to bowl. Select the time slot in which you would like to bowl:
12:00 pm-2:00 PM, 1:00 PM-3:00 PM, 2:00 PM-4:00 PM
5. Collect donations from friends, co-workers, acquaintances, and anyone that wants to help “Make All Kids’ Count.” Donations can now be made online and designated to you or your team by credit card, PayPal, and debit card. If you chose not to use our new online Bowlathon.net, please complete the donation form included in this packet, then bring the form along with your donations to your reserved bowling time.
6. On Sunday, April 28th, PLEASE ARRIVE 15 MINUTES before your scheduled bowling time. Visit the registration table for your lane assignment and t-shirt.
7. Have fun bowling while enjoying music, raffles, snack/dessert bar, and prizes! Bring a team of 4-6 bowlers with you to bowl and each team will receive a large pizza, and pop for your team of bowlers.